WhatsApp president Jan Koum assumed the over-the-top messaging app intends to launch voice calling services in the field of the earliest quarter of 2015. The company, which Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) recently finished acquiring, had at the outset deliberate to launch calling in the field of the back up quarter of 2014.
Koum, speaking at this point by the side of Re/code's Code/Mobile union, assumed launching calling services is tricky to prepare well. He illustrious so as to WhatsApp is working through several technical issues linked to the launch, with the actuality so as to the app does not cover access to one phone microphones, which makes blare cancellation additional tricky. He too assumed so as to the rigid is wearisome to go to work through how the service would drive in the field of situations anywhere data coverage is poor, noting so as to many WhatsApp users in the field of emerging markets are still using 2G sharpness coverage.
Facebook accomplished its acquisition of WhatsApp earlier this month. The service at present has additional than 600 million monthly functional users. Koum assumed the company has historically been alert on growth and still aspires to run on each smartphone in the field of the humanity. On the whole additional users are emergence from markets like Brazil and India, he assumed, but he acknowledged so as to nearby are still markets anywhere WhatsApp isn't dominant.
However, Koum assumed WhatsApp still wants to cross over 1 billion functional users inside the after that several years. With Facebook's economic support and infrastructure, he assumed, the company is straight away able to focus squarely on growth.
Earlier this month Facebook president indicator Zuckerberg established so as to the social networking company does not cover some near-term tactics to command somebody to money inedible of WhatsApp. WhatsApp is gratis to download and benefit used for the earliest time. Next so as to, users can asset access to the service used for $1 for each time.
Koum reiterated so as to the company does not mean to add advertising to the app. "We don't think advertising is the way to monetize a upshot like WhatsApp," he assumed, addition so as to it would hurt the user experience, which is based around real-time communiquй.
Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp totaled $21.8 billion as soon as the deal stopped. In the field of Securities and talk Commission filings, Facebook disclosed so as to it valued WhatsApp's users by the side of around $2 billion, the company's trade title by the side of $448 million and its machinery by the side of $288 million. Facebook assumed $15.3 billion of the valuation was linked to WhatsApp's "goodwill" assess, which, at the same time as Re/code annotations, is by definition intangible.
Facebook too revealed so as to in the field of 2013 WhatsApp posted a loss from operations of $138.5 million (of which $98.8 million was linked to stock-based compensation), wider than the loss of $55.6 million it had in the field of 2012. WhatsApp recorded $10.2 million of revenue in the field of 2013, up from $3.8 million in the field of 2012.
Koum assumed WhatsApp spirit not compete so as to much with Facebook's own herald app, which lets users command somebody to gratis voice calls concluded Wi-Fi both locally and globally. He illustrious so as to Facebook herald is based on Facebook contacts and so as to it runs on desktops, where WhatsApp is a purely cellular phone app, so so as to as soon as users benefit WhatsApp they know the message spirit get to at once to a contact's phone.
Koum was asked if WhatsApp spirit partner with connected appliances, at the same time as messaging app Line has finished with LG Electronics used for its HomeChat service. Koum assumed WhatsApp gets desires to command somebody to the app additional remembrance and battery efficient. "I don't think dwell in are letters to us each calendar day defective to grow messages from their refrigerator," he assumed.
At the same time as used for Facebook itself, the social networking giant reported third-quarter mesh profit of $806 million, not quite in half the $425 million the company had in the field of the year-ago full stop. Facebook's revenues soared to $3.20 billion in the field of the third quarter, up from $2.06 billion in the field of the year-ago quarter. Advertising revenue was $2.96 billion, up 64 percent from the same quarter end time. Additionally, cellular phone advertising revenue continued to grow at the same time as a percentage of Facebook's classified ad revenue, and represented around 66 percent of advertising revenue used for the third quarter, up from 62 percent in the field of the back up quarter and 49 percent in the field of the year-ago full stop.
However, Facebook spooked investors by noting so as to it expects overheads, with used for hiring, to get out of bed 55 percent and at the same time as much at the same time as 75 percent concluded the after that time. "We sketch on 2015 being a sizeable investment time," Facebook CFO Dave Wehner assumed on the company's gain union call. According to a Seeking Alpha transcript of his remarks, he assumed Facebook spirit prolong to invest in the field of advertising machinery at the same time as well at the same time as initiatives like Internet.Org and modern acquisitions like WhatsApp and Oculus, the virtual authenticity platform.