Survive week, we reported with the aim of Pinterest investor Fritz Lanman was pursuing the company planner mock-up in lieu of creating startups and working on two various companies in chorus. In the present day single of folks companies, called DWNLD, is launching to help netting publishers quickly, by a long way, and affordably build grand native cellular phone apps.
DWNLD hopes to coins featuring in on the trend of new and new publishers spiraling to native apps featuring in lieu of cellular phone netting sites. The platform was built to help media companies or else brands or else really everyone with a netting presence to build folks apps and submit them to the Apple App save and Google dramatic piece marketplace.
“The outline involving the netting and native apps is blurring,” Lanman assumed featuring in a phone conversation. In our time, near shouldn’t be located every argue why a netting publisher can’t in addition issue a native app, not including maybe development overheads. But DWNLD is prearranged to transform with the aim of.
Just the once registered, DWNLD can import a publisher’s netting content into its content management coordination and generate a native app based on it. Apps are customizable, enabling publishers to outline the overall look and feel based on a variety of various templates, fonts, and color combinations. They can in addition incorporate a add up to of various types of rich media, as well as photos, videos, relations, GIFs and the like, and flaunt them natively.
In the past this, rolling old hat such an app would habitually require a substantial outspoken investment featuring in development. But DWNLD wants to bring in the invention of these apps reasonable, and in addition to simplify the cost formation so with the aim of everyone can build single.
As a substitute of charging in lieu of the cost of app invention, DWNLD has a total cost of $15 apiece month. In lieu of many publishers, with the aim of follows the usual hosting mock-up with the aim of they are already used to. Publishers can in addition monetize their apps by enabling advertising, of which DWNLD takes a cut off.
And that’s how the company really hopes to bring in money. While it preference bring in round about revenue from the SaaS firm, the better opportunity is around aggregating a bunch of native apps and creating an commercial exchange ideas around them. According to Lanman, the startup is optimizing in lieu of the commercial firm and eager to create a sort of Google AdSense in lieu of cellular phone apps.
While DWNLD is launching to the open at this point, the company has spent the survive several months getting partners lined up, mostly recruiting high-profile bloggers to try it old hat. It’s launch to marketplace with 200 publishers signed up and using it in lieu of their native apps.
Founded featuring in 2012, the company at this point has a pole of 14 employees and has raised $2 million featuring in seed funding. The company was co-founded by Lanman, who is a earlier Microsoft exec bowed seraph investor and industrialist. He had previously invested featuring in companies like settle, Pinterest, FiftyThree, and Teespring, and sold his survive company, Livestar, to Pinterest survive time.
He’s attached by Alexandra Keating, who runs day-to-day operations of the startup such as first in command. She was earlier VP of marketing by the side of Thrillist Media, someplace she helped the company accompany 500 percent year-over-year growth. Previous to with the aim of she founded a not-for-profit fundraising platform called GoFundraise, which she sold featuring in 2008.