
Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds used for suicide warnings

Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds used for suicide warnings

The Samaritans charity has launched a modern app which motivation notify Twitter users if introduce somebody to an area they happen next on the locate appear to be present suicidal.

Samaritans Radar uses an algorithm to identify recipe terms and phrases which indicate distress.

They include "tired of being alone", "hate myself", "depressed", "help me" and "need someone to dialect to."

Users who give birth to signed up used for the scheme motivation receive an email alert if someone they happen next tweets these statements.

The app asks whether the tweets are cause used for trepidation.

However it does not yet identify sarcasm, according to the website.

The charity says it motivation not urge involved promptly if requested.

'not private'
Joe Ferns, executive director of rule, delve into and development by Samaritans, told the BBC the app was not designed to be present a secret tracking tool.

"Radar is single selection up tweets with the intention of are freely available, giving you an opportunity to catch sight of tweets with the intention of you would give birth to seen anyway," he whispered.

"But imagine with the intention of a alone had posted something all the rage the ahead of time hours of the morning, you're on the way to bring about otherwise college and your Twitter feed is complete of messages with the intention of are arguably a reduced amount of of great consequence - Samaritans Radar gives you the opportunity to catch sight of with the intention of tweet again and give birth to it highlighted to you.

"It's not looking larger than your shoulder, it's not looking whatever thing that's restricted, it's hardly giving you the opportunity to catch sight of something and be active on it."

Samaritans Radar was produced by digital agency Jam and uses Twitter's API. It is primarily aimed by 18-35 time olds.

"They are 'digital natives' - growing up using modern skill and the pioneer generation to grow up with computers all the rage their motherland," whispered Patricia Cartes, comprehensive be in first place of trust and safety outreach by Twitter.

"They are the generally in action age band together across social platforms and pay out an mean of hardly larger than three hours day by day on social networks."

Analysis: Rory Cellan-Jones, skill correspondent

Samaritans Radar is aimed all the rage picky by a generation which lives its life online - and every now and then finds it easier to express its deepest hopes and fears all the rage a tweet slightly than air to air.

The app has a few smart skill which motivation gather from its users to distinguish phrases with the intention of are really indicative of suicidal tendencies.

Samaritans is aware with the intention of here may perhaps be present a "creepy" reason, with users upset with the intention of someone is looking larger than their shoulder so they and their acquaintances tweet.

But the charity says it needs to be present everywhere introduce somebody to an area are all the rage the enlightened digital planet - and it believes serving introduce somebody to an area help both other may possibly save lives."

